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MILD Procedure for "Shopping Cart Sign" Jan 5th, 2023

What is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? Lumbar spinal stenosis is a condition in which the lower spinal canal narrows and compresses the spinal nerves in the lower back. This happens as the result of degenerative processes in the lumbar spine which includes a thickening of a ligament known as the ligamentum...

CBD’s Role in Managing Pain Oct 8th, 2021

You’ve probably heard talk about CBD, or cannabidiol, if not tried it yourself for any number of conditions it is advertised to help. If you’re wondering what CBD is, if CBD helps control or lessen acute or chronic pain, and how to take or use CBD, you’ve come to the...

The Truth about Obesity and Chronic Pain Sep 23rd, 2021

Does obesity directly cause chronic pain? Well, no, obesity is not a direct cause of pain. However, many conditions that cause chronic pain are far more common in people who are obese, and obesity and chronic pain often exist side by side. What comes first, obesity, or chronic pain? The...

Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Chronic Pain Aug 16th, 2021

If you’re a patient that has tried all types of conservative treatment, such as physical therapy, medications, injections, nerve blocks, and more, without relief, peripheral nerve stimulation, or PNS, might offer you the pain relief you’ve been searching for. A peripheral nerve stimulator is a device much like a spinal...

How Tai Chi Can Help Combat Chronic Pain Jul 7th, 2021

Tai Chi: Exercising and Connecting Your Mind & Body As humans, we tend to put everything we know into categories, and exercise and stress relief are often seen as mutually exclusive events. Exercise includes running, weightlifting, playing sports, swimming, and so forth. Stress relief includes breathing exercises, massage therapy, meditation,...

Treating Lower Back Pain Without Surgery Jun 15th, 2021

Surgery seems to be one of the most feared recommendations for patients, especially patients with low back pain. The thought of getting rods, plates, and screws inserted into your spine is enough to prompt anyone to look for other methods of dealing with lower back pain. There are certainly times...

CRPS: Treatment for a Commonly Misunderstood Pain Syndrome Apr 28th, 2021

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a condition that causes chronic and debilitating pain in a person’s arms, legs, hands, or feet. The pain usually originates after an injury to the limb or with surgery on that affected limb. The cause of CRPS isn’t clearly understood, but it’s believed to be...

Spinal Cord Stimulators: The Solution to Chronic Pain Apr 2nd, 2021

Picture this: You are a patient with chronic back pain. You decide to do something about your chronic back pain and see a doctor. You start with the simple treatments- medications, physical therapy, rest, ice and heat, and maybe even chiropractic care or acupuncture. But your pain lingers. You take...

Vertiflex Superion: The Bridge Between Physical Therapy, Injections, and Invasive Spine Surgery Feb 24th, 2021

If you’ve been diagnosed with spinal stenosis, it’s usually only a matter of time until your condition worsens and spinal surgery seems like your only option for pain relief. Fortunately, there is a treatment option in between physical therapy and spinal surgery called Vertiflex Superion that has provided pain relief...

The Basics of Regenerative Medicine Feb 6th, 2021

Regenerative Medicine is a branch of medicine focused on the development and application of new treatments to heal and/or restore function to tissues or organs damaged by disease, trauma, age, and degeneration. Regenerative Medicine is a modern solution to ailments that physicians diagnose and treat every day, and the success...

Ketamine Infusions: Treating Pain, Anxiety, and Depression Jan 21st, 2021

What is a Ketamine infusion? In a Ketamine infusion, a physician administers small doses of Ketamine to a patient through an IV. The entire process takes less than an hour and resembles a relaxing spa treatment rather than a medical procedure. Patients sit back in a comfortable armchair and often...

Successful Implantation of a vertiflex spacer at L2-3 Jun 27th, 2020

Dr. Daniel Roshan, a Pacific Pain Physician, performed a successful Vertiflex interspinous Spacer at L2-3. The patient was suffering from the narrowing of the spinal and nerve canal at the L2-3 level causing him right side dominant low back and leg pain. His pain was worsened by walking and relieved...

Successful Spinal Cord Stimulator Implanted for Post Laminectomy syndrome Jan 16th, 2020

Dr. Daniel Roshan, a Pacific Pain Physician, performed a successful HF-10 spinal cord stimulator implantation. The patient was suffering from Failed Back Surgery Syndrome with chronic low back and leg pain for many years. She had tried medications, physical therapy, surgery, and other injections without any lasting relief. The patient...

The role of nutrition in pain and inflammation Apr 25th, 2019

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Did you know that diet can play an integral role in management of pain? Inflammation can best be defined as the response to toxins. This is why as we age managing our diet even more closely can be crucial in pain related factors related...

The Case For Yoga As a Treatment for Back Pain Feb 24th, 2019

Yoga was found to be comparable to physical therapy (PT) in relieving chronic low back pain (LBP) in a controlled study that followed low-income, minority patients for one year after an initial course of treatment. The findings were particularly gratifying for lead investigator Robert Saper, MD, MPH, of the Department...