CBD’s Role in Managing Pain

You’ve probably heard talk about CBD, or cannabidiol, if not tried it yourself for any number of conditions it is advertised to help. If you’re wondering what CBD is, if CBD helps control or lessen acute or chronic pain, and how to take or use CBD, you’ve come to the right place.
CBD is a chemical found in marijuana plants. This chemical does not contain the psychoactive ingredients also found in marijuana called THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, therefore, CBD will not produce the “high” that most people associate with marijuana use. CBD mostly comes in an oil formulation, but it is also sold in extract, capsule, or a vaporized liquid format. If you do a Google search for CBD products for sale, you’d find most of your search inquiries are companies selling CBD infused beauty, food, and drink products. You’d also see that most of these companies advertise that their products can most remarkably help people with anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, problems sleeping, and pain.
Can CBD really help reduce or manage pain? There have been studies that demonstrate that CBD may affectively alleviate pain by affecting the receptors of the endocannabinoid system, which is how the body regulates mood, memory, and most notably, pain. However, there are also many studies that are inconclusive on CBD’s effect on pain relief, and at the present time, the only form of CBD that is FDA approved is in a prescription oil called Epidiolex, which is approved to treat forms of Epilepsy. CBD is currently being studied not only for it’s potential to alleviate pain, but also to treat other conditions such as Parkinson’s, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, anxiety, and many more. While empirical evidence is valued over anecdotal evidence in the medical community, it should at least be noted that there are thousands of people who claim that CBD products have helped greatly with their pain management. While the research and studies on CBD don’t yet exist to make the same claims, anyone who is wondering if CBD would work to help control their pain may want to consider that CBD has been effective in this arena for many people.
Though CBD isn’t FDA approved for pain management, the side effects are minimal enough to warrant giving CBD a try if you’re looking for a way to manage your pain outside of common prescription pain drugs. Most people tolerate CBD very well and experience little to no side effects. The few people that experience side effects from CBD use usually see these side effects in the form of dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness, and fatigue. Medical professionals also caution people against potential negative reactions between CBD and other medications they are taking since there is not enough research on this aspect to state definitively that CBD does not react negatively with other medications.
If you’re going to give CBD a try, you’ll need to know how to take it or use it in your daily routine. CBD consumption can take place in a number of different ways, The most popular way to consume CBD is orally in the form of oil, capsules, or edible goods, but there are also many CBD products in the form of lotions, creams, oils, etc. that are used externally on your skin. As far as dosage, it’s recommended to start with a minimal dose and increase as needed. Proper dosage is dependent on many factors, including your weight, your individual body chemistry, what condition you’re trying to treat, and the concentration in the CBD formula you’re consuming. General recommendations say to start with 20-40 mg and increase by 5 mg a week until you feel that the CBD is effectively treating our condition. However, these are general guidelines and it’s always strongly recommended that you speak to your doctor for guidance on your personal CBD use and dosage.
What’s the bottom line when it comes to CBD and pain management? In a nutshell, CBD isn’t FDA approved for pain management, but it’s risks and side effects are so minimal, and so many people have stories about how well CBD has worked for them, that it may be worth a try- with the approval of your doctor. The medical community is looking forward to seeing what current and future research and studies on CBD will conclude, but in the present, CBD remains experimental and it’s positive effects are solely anecdotal.
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